
Create a superior flush program that reduces the soil/water solution to an optimal pH level that makes insoluble calcium bi-carbonates soluble and reduces sodium uptake, but also increase uniform water movement, infiltration and penetration. Which in turn increases nutrient availability, and also solubilizes non-polar organic coatings on soil profiles. All of this can be accomplished with an easy tank mix of Retro and pHacid Sprayable to Just Flush it with the Swoosh program.



Create a superior flush program that reduces the soil/water solution to an optimal pH level that makes insoluble calcium bi-carbonates soluble and reduces sodium uptake, but also increase uniform water movement, infiltration and penetration. Which in turn increases nutrient availability, and also solubilizes non-polar organic coatings on soil profiles. All of this can be accomplished with an easy tank mix of Retro and pHacid Sprayable to Just Flush it with the Swoosh program.

Technical Information

Swoosh Just Flush It Program


pHAcid Sprayable Label

pHAcid Injectable Label


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